Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snow, snow, and more snow.

The below pictures are a sampling of some of the pictures we've taken over the past two weeks. I don't know how much snow we ended up getting, but it started with 2 feet, then a couple days later we got another 10 inches on top of that, followed by what seemed like a couple inches about every day for the next several days. I'll start off with a few pictures of Lydia since she isn't in any of the outside photos.

Yes, she's licking up some sort of liquid on the dishwasher. She is enamored with the door.

Lots of standing (and falling), but no steps yet.

Our baby is growing up.

Lots of smiles for momma.

This picture you can actually see her two bottom teeth, the only two she has so far.

Snowball fight!

Not to be outdone by her little brother.

Tromping through the snow, although he was light enough that he didn't sink in like the rest of us.
He seemed to skim right along the top of the snow for the most part.

We don't have great sledding hills on the property, but good enough for the little ones.

Titus pulling the sled back up the hill.


Needless to say, they quite enjoy their time in the snow.

The sled is obviously not moving as fast as she would have preferred.

So we moved on to snowman building.

A team project for the three of us.

They're becoming quite proficient at building snowmen with the winter we've had.

The builders posing with their hard work.

Titus working on the nose. He didn't want to dig for rocks, so he tried to use a snowball.

Some of the snow piles left over in our parking lot.

The kids are slightly dwarfed. As much as we are ready for spring, we also realize it will likely be a long time before we see this much snow again, so we're also trying to enjoy it when we can make it outside.

I don't think the kids quite realized how much the snow was truly built up.

A particularly big chunk left over by the plows.

Katelyn almost completely engulfed by the snow.

We had built some tunnels in the snow piles that you could actually crawl through. This picture was a few days later after the tunnels had caved in some.

A picture one morning after a snow.

Enjoying more time on the snow piles.

No need to make snowballs when you have chunks like this sitting around.

This was our road the morning after the 2 feet of snow.

The big snow piles were obviously a big hit with our kids.

Another picture the morning after the big snow. I shoveled out a lane to get to the van, and as you can see, the snow is almost up to Titus's shoulders.

Katelyn burying herself in the snow, a task that is not very difficult with this much snow.

This was a picture taken out of our basement door, as the main door was completely drifted over and couldn't be opened. Yes, that is our Honda mini-van in the picture, and as you can see (or not see), my Toyota, which is parked on the far side of the van, is completely under snow. Combine 2 feet of snow with a decent wind, and you get drifts that look like this.

Another picture the morning after the big snow, shortly after the snow plow had come through. The nice thing about the big snow was as soon as it finished, bright sunshine and blue skies came in and we ended up spending most of the afternoon enjoying this once in a decade (or once every 25 years?) snow.

1 comment:

  1. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! :) So glad it's been nice enough for you to get out and ENJOY it...unfortunately the few times it has snowed here, it's been on the cold side, so we haven't gotten out to play in it much. I think everybody is ready to see some sunshine & green grass this year; winter has been around for awhile. :)
