Wednesday, December 2, 2009

And she is off...

I guess it was inevitable with the way she's been up on all fours, but still, less than 6 months seems a bit early to me. Who knows if it signifies anything? All I know for sure is that it is that much sooner she can get into trouble!


  1. Wow she IS advanced. Ezra isn't even close though tonight he assumed the push up position, hands and toes and straight body. It was pretty funny.

  2. Yay, Lydia!!! She's so smart, I knew she was my neice. ;)

  3. Yay! Way to go Lydia! Look out Colleen! Your hands just got even busier!

  4. Lydia wants to keep up with her big brother and sister. I am not surprised!! The third child is ALWAYS the smartest!!!!!

  5. Wow! That is crazy! I remember that my Jackson learned to crawl and walk in the same week, which was around 9.5 months old. He didn't really crawl all that much. She must be very determined - watch out.
